IT Risk Register


This IT Risk Register was created to help institutional IT departments get their strategic IT risk-management programs off the ground. The IT Risk Register is a sortable checklist that identifies common strategic IT risks and catalogues those risks according to common risk types and IT domains. It also contains a resource to help institutions conduct a qualitative risk assessment of the items listed in the register. This tool is intended to supplement an institution's own thoughtful IT risk-management process. It is hoped that the examples provided in this list will lead higher education institutions toward a more strategic and holistic appreciation of IT risk.

This risk register tool and the member advisory board that created it are part of the EDUCAUSE IT Governance, Risk, and Compliance program. The program provides resources that help IT professionals define and implement IT governance, risk, and compliance activities on their campuses. Learn more and view additional resources on the IT GRC Program website.

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Related Resource: IT Accessibility Risk Statements and Evidence

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