BMI Business Model Template


rpkGROUP created these pro forma templates to support the NGLC Breakthrough Models Incubator grantees in their iterative development of  business models that would support their current programs and breakthrough innovations. These templates respond to the growing need for institutions to operate transparently and strategically in a challenging resource environment. rpkGROUP’s experience is that this application of a business model lens, and the use of new tools like these pro formas, helps to place finance clearly in the service of enhanced student success.

rpkGROUP is a leading national consulting firm supporting colleges, universities and other non-profits with their growth and reallocation strategies. The team emerged from two decades of leadership positions in the higher education sector, and is currently working with institutions nationally and internationally to develop a new business model for higher education.

The NGLC Breakthrough Models Incubator is an EDUCAUSE Institute program. 

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