Information Technology, Systems, and Services in Higher Education: A Primer
- Published:
- Books and Monographs
- Author(s) and Contributors:
Author(s): Carole Barone Chip German Richard Katz Phil Long Barry Walsh
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
Sources(s): EDUCAUSE Publications
- ParentTopics:
This primer is intended to help information technologists understand institutional priorities and to help business officers understand information technology, systems, and services. With greater understanding of the power and complexity of information technologies and electronic information resources, campuses can direct the potential for transforming higher education in the 21st century. This publication, which grew out of the longstanding relationship between EDUCAUSE and NACUBO, was originally prepared as a chapter in the sixth edition of College and University Business Administration (CUBA), NACUBO's encyclopedic reference book on the key aspects of campus administration.