The Research Library's Role in Digital Repository Services
- Published:
- Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
- Author(s) and Contributors:
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
Sources(s): Community
- ParentTopics:
The report, "The Research Library's Role in Digital Repository Services," identifies key issues surrounding repository development, explores common strategies that libraries are using, analyzes relevant environmental trends, discusses issues where ARL and its member libraries should focus attention, and recommends the following actions for research libraries to undertake:
- Build a range of new kinds of partnerships and alliances, both within institutions and between institutions.
- Base service-development strategies on substantive assessment of local needs rather than blindly replicating work done at another institution.
- Engage with key local policy issues and stakeholders to encourage institutional engagement with national and international policy issues.
- Develop outreach and marketing strategies that assist "early adopters" of repositories to connect with the developing repository-related service system.
- Define a scope of responsibility to guide the development of repository services for varied forms of content.