Good Citizen or Leader: The Case for Green IT


This ECAR research bulletin builds on Powering Down: Green IT in Higher Education, the 2010 ECAR study of green IT. Although this bulletin is not a digest of that study, it is offered as a general window onto our professional community. ECAR studies continually demonstrate that IT in higher education is underfunded, relative to our ambitions and dreams, and green IT initiatives are among those that are suffering. In most cases, IT leaders can and do discriminate among the noisy and often subtle exhortations to lead. In many cases, we have learned to “satisfice”; that is, to lead by choosing when “good enough” is, in fact, good enough, and when it is not.

Citation for this Work: Katz, Richard N. “Good Citizen or Leader: The Case for Green IT” (Research Bulletin 16, 2010). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research, 2010, available from

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