Does Higher Education Need a New Ethical Framework for the Internet?
- Published:
- Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
- Author(s) and Contributors:
Author(s): Jack McCredie
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
Sources(s): EDUCAUSE Research Collection(s): Research Bulletins
- ParentTopics:
This ECAR research bulletin is designed to help decision makers in higher education assess the applicability of four significant historical codes of ethics as they evaluate their current policies and guidelines. It provides examples of previous in-depth thinking about these issues from the Internet Activities Board (IAB), the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Computer Ethics Institute (CEI). In addition, it summarizes and references several publications that serve as foundations of the field of computer ethics.
Citation for this Work: McCredie, Jack. “Does Higher Education Need a New Ethical Framework for the Internet?” (Research Bulletin 4, 2011). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research, 2011, available from