Quest Atlantis: Learning Through Transformational Play


“Profiles of Next Generation Learning” is a new video series produced by Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Each video explores the ways schools and campuses are leveraging technology to make learning more personal, more flexible, and more meaningful to today’s students.

In this video, learn how Quest Atlantis combines teaching and learning theory with video game design to create powerful learning experiences for students aged 9-16. Quest Atlantis creates interesting, complex and authentic real world situations for kids to solve and allows them to become scientists, doctors, reporters, and authors. By making connections between what they know, what they do and who they become in the virtual world, students are able to understand the consequences of the fictional problems they face and the implications of the solutions they propose. This kind of learning promotes deeper understanding of academic content, drives new learning opportunities and allows students to take an active role in their own learning. To learn more about Quest Atlantis, visit:

To learn more about NGLC, visit:

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