EDUCAUSE Comments: Relaunch of Net Neutrality Principles


On March 30, 2017, EDUCAUSE joined a number of other higher education and library associations to release an updated version of the net neutrality principles that the groups had originally issued in 2014. At the time of the principles’ initial release, the FCC was in the process of developing the current Open Internet Order, which established enforceable net neutrality rules consistent with the needs and interests of the higher education and library communities. With relevant leaders in Congress and at the FCC indicating an interest in possibly rescinding the rules, the associations decided to update their shared principles to reflect what the Open Internet Order has accomplished, as well as to urge Congress and the FCC to adopt them as the basis for any net neutrality policy decisions moving forward.

(This abstract includes the press release for the relaunch of the principles as well as the letters to the FCC and the relevant congressional committees advocating for use of the principles in policymaking.)

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