Data Privacy Day Resources, 2014-16
- Published:
- Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
- Author(s) and Contributors:
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
- ParentTopics:
National Data Privacy Day celebrations are held on January 28 each year, and many higher education institutions host awareness events and coordinate activities throughout the months of January and February. These resources are part of 2014-2016 EDUCAUSE data privacy awareness activities and are designed to help data privacy professionals encourage the higher education community to respect privacy, safeguard data, and enable trust.
Webinar Recordings
Guest Blogs
- Every Day Is Data Privacy Day at Indiana University
- Privacy in Higher Education: A CPO's Perspective
- Privacy in Federal Government: A CPO's Perspective
- Privacy in California State Government: A CPO's Perspective
- Amazon and Best Buy Are Following Me, and It's Creeping Me Out
- Fast-Forward: Shadow IT
- Body-Worn Cameras: In Support of Justice on University Campuses
- Guard Your Privacy Online
- Guard Your Privacy Offline and While Traveling
- Celebrate Data Protection and Stewardship this Data Privacy Day
- Hey, Students Are Consumers, Too
- Using Smartphone Apps Safely
- Stingray Makes Waves, Or, How Technology Helps Your Friendly Neighborhood Policeman Violate Your Privacy in New and Innovative Ways
- The Role of Privacy Practices in Information Management
- Privacy and Organizational Analytics
- Privacy vs. Privacy
- Promote Privacy on Your Campus
- Respecting Privacy, Safeguarding Data, Enabling Trust: How Do We Accomplish This on Personally Owned Computers?
- Social Justice and Privacy: An End to Solitude
- A Discussion About the NSA and Government Surveillance
- Usability and Network Security in Higher Education
- The Boyfriend Dilemma: Are You Giving Up Too Much Personal Information?
For additional data privacy resources, visit the Cybersecurity Program website.