Cloud computing may be on every higher education IT leader's mind, but where you are in the cycle of decision-making and implementation varies widely. As you navigate the cloudscape, you can use this site as an entry into a wide range of resources and information on what others are doing.  The EDUCAUSE Enterprise IT Program has specific resources on preparing your institution for cloud services and sourcing.

Recent Spotlight

  • Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit

    Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit

    The HECVAT is a vendor management questionnaire framework specifically designed for higher education to measure vendor risk. Before you purchase a third-party solution, ask the vendor to complete the HECVAT to confirm that the information, data, and cybersecurity policies are in place to protect your sensitive institutional information and constituents’ PII.
  • Higher Education Research, Cybersecurity, and CMMC Compliance

    Higher Education Research, Cybersecurity, and CMMC Compliance

    This brief, a joint effort on the part of EDUCAUSE and PreVeil, was written to clarify the Department of Defense’s (DoD) new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) framework and to guide your institution on its journey to CMMC compliance.

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