Virtually all EDUCAUSE members are learning to deal with the explosive growth of networking, connecting every part of the campus community and linking to colleagues and information resources across the country and around the world. Many of the issues campuses are facing today relate to this proliferation of campuswide networks and Internet connectivity--copyright, student records privacy, data security standards, Social media use, and so forth.

Many institutions are moving toward establishing policies to deal with these issues. How do you know when you need a policy? How can we best share existing policies so we can learn from the work of our peers? Is it possible to create a model set of policies based on work that has already been done in this area? As a forum for facilitating the sharing and exchange of information, EDUCAUSE has collected information policies contributed by member campuses to the Library. For a full list of collected policies, see below.


Acceptable and Responsible Use Policies Cell Phone Policies
Copyright and Intellectual Property Policies Data Classification Policies
Data Retention E-mail Policies
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Password Policies Policy Development
Privacy Policies Security Policies

Let us know what other kinds of policies you'd like to learn about, or if you have a documented policy you would be willing to have us add to the EDUCAUSE Library policy collection.

Browse Campus Policy and Law