Utopia vs. Mundania: Coping Strategies for Living with Shrinking Resources in the Real World
- Published:
- Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
- Author(s) and Contributors:
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
Presentation(s): CAUSE Conferences (Archives)
In the Utopian world, the challenge of shrinking resources is met with people working harder and smarter. Increasing productivity is a neccessary goal of the times we live in, but there are limits to that framework. This paper explores these limits, noting especially suggestions for practical increases in productivity open to almost everyone. Moreover, in Mundania, the world in which we live, information technology activities are open to sniping in these times, when all of higher education feels threatened. Careful and accurate communication may help reduce tha lack of institutional support that this sniping could encourage. Additionally, managers also have a responsibility to preserve organizational health. The greatest danger of shrinking resources is that the organization could be critically damaged. Organizations must preserve their capacity to recover to a necessary position of technical capability when times do get better.