Teaching, Learning and Assessment with E-Portfolios: Small Group Session I: Scenarios/Use Cases


The NLII 2003 Fall Focus Session participants moved into five small groups to attempt to review case studies that have been developed by E PAC members. Each group chose one of four scenarios:

1. OKI Tool Use Scenario
2. Stanford
3. Teacher Interns
4. Minnesota's Electronic Portfolio

The group considered issues revolving around the use of e-portfolios (what), not the technical specifications (how). They were directed to consider:
1. What are the types of portfolios represented by these scenarios?
2. What are the types of portfolio uses missing from the scenarios (and the readings)?
3. What activities would be supported by e-portfolio systems designed for these scenarios?
4. Which of these activities overlap (are common to all the e-portfolio uses)?
5. With what other systems would such e-portfolio systems have to interact (existing LMS, etc.)
6. What are some of the interoperability issues that are immediately apparent?

Key Theme: Electronic Portfolios

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