Information Technology Alignment in Higher Education



This study reports the results of a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews of 464 U.S. and 19 Canadian universities to discover how information technology priorities, plans, resources, intentions, and actions are aligned with the broad vision of higher education institutions. The study defines the set of activities that IT practitioners use to achieve alignment to include planning, measurement, communication, and governance. It reviews the academic and professional literature related to organization alignment, reviews findings from practice and case analyses, and ends with a summary of effective practices, lessons learned, and a speculative reflection on future modes of alignment in higher education.

Table of Contents
Entire Study Information Technology Alignment in Higher Education
Ch. 1 Executive Summary
Ch. 2 Introduction
Ch. 3 Methodology and Study Participants
Ch. 4 Institutional Context for IT Alignment
Ch. 5 IT Governance
Ch. 6 IT Planning, Part 1
Ch. 7 IT Planning, Part 2: The Evidence from Plans
Ch. 8 Measuring IT Performance
Ch. 9 Effective Practices and Lessons Learned
Ch. 10 Looking Ahead: Shaping IT Strategy in the Future
Appendix A Interviewees in Qualitative Research
Appendix B Institutional Respondents to Online Survey
Appendix C IT Plans Reviewed
Appendix D Bibliography
Case Studies
Achieving Alignment Through Strategic Information Technology Management at The University of Memphis
A Case of Good Management: IT Alignment at Calvin College
Using an IT Governance Structure to Achieve Alignment at the University of Cincinnati
Alignment Based on Strategic Priorities at the University of Delaware
Online Supporting Materials
Key Findings
Survey Instrument

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