Service Design and Transition Toolkit

The creation of a new service in most organizations begins with a project. However, transitioning the project to the owning organization can result in overlap and confusion of when and how to transition to operations. This toolkit has been created to help organizations both design and transition successful services. The toolkit is a series of best practices, and it's meant to be used as a starting point to develop and transition your area's services. All assets can be modified to fit the institution's maturity level.

IT Service Checklist and Charter

This service checklist and charter can be used to help build new services as well as transform existing services. This is meant to be a starting point but may be updated in order to fit your organization. The tasks include required and recommended tasks, as required tasks are the steps most critical to a successful service. (Example: Fully funded, staffed, and executive support).

Functional Role Descriptions

These descriptions are the basic roles needed to launch and run a service effectively and establish a governance process. Depending on staff and capacity, one person may fulfill the responsibilities of multiple roles.

Glossary and Frequently Asked Questions