Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education



This 2009 ECAR research study is a comprehensive analysis of how colleges and universities plan, organize, deploy, and support messaging and communication technologies. It provides insights into the level of confidence the institutions have in these technologies, how well the technologies perform, and how the importance and usage of these technologies might change in the foreseeable future. The study is informed by 351 responses to a quantitative survey of EDUCAUSE member institutions, along with 37 interviews with higher education leaders who are especially active in the fields of messaging and communications. Accompanying this research are three case studies that look at messaging and communication practices at the Louisiana State University and A&M College, the University of Louisville, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Table of Contents
Entire Study Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education
Chapter 1 Executive Summary
Chapter 2 Introduction and Methodology
Chapter 3 Communications and the Institution
Chapter 4 Electronic Mail and Calendaring
Chapter 5 Telephony
Chapter 6 Mobile Communications
Chapter 7 Crisis Communications
Chapter 8 Next-Generation Communications
Appendix A Institutional Respondents to the Online Survey
Appendix B Interviewees in Qualitative Research
Appendix C Bibliography
Appendix D Statistical Details
Case Studies
Louisiana State University and A&M College: Optimizing Text Messaging and Other Emergency Notification Systems
University of Louisville: Fulfilling the Promise of VoIP
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Transforming the Campus Experience with the MIT Mobile Web
Online Supporting Materials
Key Findings
Survey Instrument

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