Next Generation Learning Challenges: Blended Learning Premises


Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) seeks to identify and scale technology-enabled approaches to dramatically improve college readiness and completion, particularly for low-income young adults. The program will provide grants, gather evidence about effective practices, and create a collaborative community dedicated to addressing these persistent challenges. The initial wave of funding targets postsecondary education, focusing on four key challenge areas: blended learning, learner analytics, core courseware, and deeper learning and engagement.

In this document, part of the background resources generated for grant seekers, NGLC outlines key premises related to the blended learning challenge area with resources, case studies, and campus examples cited for each. This document can be used as a starting point for campus conversations about the role that blended learning can play in increasing student outcomes across a range of institutions and academic programs.

For more about NGLC, visit:

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