Learning Analytics: The Coming Third Wave
- Published:
- Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
- Author(s) and Contributors:
Author(s): Malcolm Brown
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
Sources(s): EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Collection(s): ELI Briefs
- ParentTopics:
Learning analytics (LA) is the third wave of large-scale developments in instructional technology that began with the advent of the learning management system (LMS). As a compelling diagnostic tool, LA will see rapid adoption over the next several years, as third-party applications begin to make it more affordable and practical. The papers presented at the first International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK11) conference provide an overview of current research and development, helping to show the potential of LA as a way to provide timely and meaningful feedback for learners, instructors, and administrators. This ELI brief both serves as a report on the LAK11 conference and summarizes the larger picture for LA, based on the papers and discussions at the conference.