New Year, New Challenges: Preparing Your Campus for Data Privacy and Security Issues in the Year Ahead
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Presentation(s): Webinars
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As technology continues to evolve, so do the data privacy and security risks facing colleges and universities. New products and programs have made it easier to teach, gather, and share information, but have also raised privacy and security concerns that were never considered when laws like HIPAA and FERPA were enacted. Wrongdoers and hackers have evolved as well, causing dozens of major data breaches at colleges and universities just in the past year. Amidst it all, campus lawyers and administrators are tasked with ensuring their campuses remain open to innovation and technology while protecting privacy and data integrity. This is a year-round job, but the New Year provides an opportunity to look ahead, assess where new risks are likely to arise, and prepare the institution's leaders and staff to address those risks in the year ahead.
This NACUA virtual seminar brought together legal experts on data privacy and security and the Chief Information Officer of a major research university to discuss what issues they're focused on heading into 2014 and what practical steps they are taking to address those issues. Topics will include the growth of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for employees and students, the changing face of HIPAA and FERPA compliance, pitfalls to watch for when contracting with technology providers, international data and privacy issues, how to prepare for and respond to data breaches, and more.
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