EDUCAUSE offers professional development and networking opportunities to help higher education IT professionals, at all levels, advance in their career. Check out our new EDUCAUSE Professional Pathways, which are designed to help you assess where you are in your career today and create a plan to move toward accomplishing your goals. 

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Recent Spotlight

  • Embracing Online Data Training for Staff

    Embracing Online Data Training for Staff

    To address meaningful and sustainable data-centric training, the Office of the University Registrar at Duke University developed two online training courses for its internal staff and others in the campus community.
  • Mentorship Matters: Cultivating Mentor-Mentee Connections

    Mentorship Matters: Cultivating Mentor-Mentee Connections

    To celebrate National Mentoring Month, we discuss the transformative power of mentorship in higher education, exploring the qualities and impact of a successful mentor-mentee relationship, and the value of both formal and informal guidance.

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