The Semester Book - A Web Tool for Faculty and Students


In its efforts to deliver meaningful services and information via the web, the Enterprise Solutions Group within the Office of Computing Services at LSU has developed a grade book application offering faculty a suite of tools for administering classes and distributing information to students. The Semester Book is comprised of several key modules. The Roster module allows for the loading of class rosters, including e-mail addresses, into the faculty member's Semester Book via a real time transaction accessing mainframe data. The Assessment module allows for the establishment of number and weights of assessments in computing final grades and stores the students' grades on individual exams, quizzes, homework, and projects. The Materials and Syllabi modules provide for the distribution of the syllabus and other materials as documents, file attachments, or URL links. The Discussion module provides for on-line communications between the faculty member and students in all sections of a particular course taught by the faculty member. Other features include a bulletin board for announcements and tools for sending e-mail to an entire class or established groups within a class. Enrolled students access the Semester Book to obtain course materials, view their assessment grades and current standing in the class, or participate in on-line discussions.

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