How to Listen to Heavy Metal


This session will address how NLII members can impact and benefit from key e-learning technology projects • IMS and OKI. Demonstrations and interactive discussions will be used to
- Provide an overview of current effort to increase portability and interoperability in e-learning environments,
- Describe how these projects gather requirements that guide future development
- Present a best-practice approach for communicating requirements
- Brainstorm about what steps Educause/NLII and these projects can jointly take to ensure that Higher Education requirements are appropriately represented. Applications presented will include traditional web-based "LMS" systems under development by OKI partner institutions, special purpose web and desktop applications that meet pedagogical, integration and portability requirements, and demonstrations that help further exemplify the kinds of interoperability challenges being addressed through these efforts.
Visit the OKI Web Site, Included on this site are various white papers, case studies and key information regarding the OKI project and its published service specifications.
Visit the IMS Web Site, for more information about IMS and its specifications, which are available at no cost.

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