Pantomime in the Dark: Does the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Make Light?


This session addresses how the work being done in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning help bridge the gap between research and practice, and explore some of the key issues and challenges such as:
- How can we make implicit knowledge in practice and research not just visible but also easy to comprehend and transferable across individuals, institutions, disciplines, and communities?
- How can we make the wealth of knowledge in effective teaching, learning and research accessible both to practitioners and researchers?
- How can we build knowledge repositories and collaborative workspaces that enable both practitioners and researchers to share their work and generate collective knowledge as a community of practice and reflection?
- What elements make the process of knowledge representation, sharing, and building more stimulating, engaging, and rewarding?
- How can emerging technological tools, such as electronic portfolio, blog, wiki, etc. support and advance this work?

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