The Economic Downturn and Its Impact on IT: Suggestions for EDUCAUSE Response


This report summarizes the results of a survey EDUCAUSE conducted to understand how the economic downturn is affecting colleges and universities and investigate steps the association might take to ameliorate the situation for both itself and its member institutions. The economic downturn has put pressure on higher education institutions to make difficult decisions about funding, in areas including teaching, research, and IT. In turn, EDUCAUSE will likely feel the effects of the economy through declines in attendance at conferences and membership. Both for institutions and for EDUCAUSE, adjustments due to the current financial situation are likely to be long term, if not permanent, and so the situation calls for a strategic vision. EDUCAUSE conducted this study with two overarching goals in mind:

  • To understand the financial impact on institutions in terms of the extent of cuts and the coping strategies
  • To identify areas where EDUCAUSE can help

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