Developing a Context-Specific Measure of Technological Expertise: The University of Washington


To systematically gather data to help inform technology-related decisions, the University of Washington conducts campus-wide surveys of instructors and students every three years. These surveys have been developed to help all units on campus that focus on teaching and learning through technology gather data to help them optimize the technology initiatives and support they offer. This case study discusses the 2011 version of the surveys, focusing specifically on the data from two sections of the survey: technological proficiency, and technology supports and obstacles.

The Seeking Evidence of Impact (SEI) program is intended to bring the teaching and learning community into a discussion about ways of gathering evidence of the impact of our innovations and current practices. The goal of the SEI case studies is to provide examples of successful projects evaluating the impact of innovation, technology, and best practices in teaching and learning.

In addition to the SEI case studies, you may find other ELI resources useful in addressing teaching, learning, and technology issues at your institution. To learn more, please visit the ELI Resources page.

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