Thrive Public Schools


Thrive Public Schools, a K-8 charter school in San Diego, expands the concept of school beyond core academics to encompass social-emotional intelligence and "real world" understanding. The blended learning model at Thrive integrates technology throughout a curriculum built upon project-based learning, targeted instruction, and tinkering. Students progress at their own pace, are grouped in mixed-age clusters, and loop with the same teacher-teams for two years.

The two-page grantee profiles from Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) provide factual information about the secondary school and postsecondary degree program designs awarded grants under NGLC's third and fourth waves of funding, which focused on two areas, "Breakthrough Models for College Readiness" and "Breakthrough Models for College Completion." The profiles describe what makes each model "breakthrough" and express both visually and through at-a-glance details the academic and organizational models, student demographics, hardware and software choices, and contact info. These profiles serve to illustrate the innovations of these new blended and online models, with practical details of interest to those starting a new school or degree program.

NGLC accelerates educational innovation through applied technology to dramatically improve college readiness and completion in the United States. To learn more about NGLC and the grantees it supports, visit

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