This resource page provides educational materials for the higher education community regarding mental health and wellness. Whether you are managing people virtually in a crisis and trying to provide emotional support, looking for resources to raise awareness about mental health and wellness on your campus, or seeking to better understand stress, burnout, and personal well-being, we wanted to create a centralized place to share useful information.

Coping During a Crisis
Organizations with a Focus on Mental Health and Wellness:

Note: During the month of May the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will be raising awareness of mental health as part of Mental Health Awareness Month. Learn more about how you or your organization can show support.

Let us know if you have a resource to contribute to this topic.   


Recent Spotlight

  • Finding Flow: Harmonizing Life and Career

    Finding Flow: Harmonizing Life and Career

    Balancing work and life can be particularly challenging for higher education professionals now that many are working from home or in a hybrid environment. This podcast episode explores a variety of approaches and philosophies for improving work-life balance.

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