California State University, Northridge’s Hybrid Lab course model targets high failure rate, multisection, gateway courses in which prerequisite knowledge is a key to success. The Hybrid Lab course model components incorporate interventions and practices that have proven successful at CSUN and other
campuses in supporting students, particularly those from underrepresented minority and disadvantaged economic groups. The CSUN team is using its initial and follow-on grants from Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) to scale the Hybrid Lab course model to other subjects and to other CSU and California Community Colleges (CCC) institutions.
This grantee profile from NGLC provides at-a-glance information, course model design details, grant project activities, results and outcomes, participant impressions, next steps, and additional resources.
NGLC accelerates educational innovation through applied technology to dramatically improve college readiness and completion in the United States. To learn more about NGLC and the grantees it supports, visit nextgenlearning.org