Technology in Higher Education: Information Security Leadership
- Published:
- Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
- Author(s) and Contributors:
Author(s): Cathy Bates Tammy Loper Thomas Davis Neal Fisch Joanna Grama Ramon Padilla Theresa Semmens Eric Smith Brian Smith-Sweeney Valerie Vogel Karen Wetzel David Sherry
- Source(s) and Collection(s):
Sources(s): EDUCAUSE Research Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC) Collection(s): EDUCAUSE Working Group
- ParentTopics:
Identifying what makes an information security leader effective requires an understanding not only of the current landscape of technology use, cyber threats, and risks but also—and more importantly—of the kinds of roles leaders can and should be playing. To provide the higher education community with guidance in this area, EDUCAUSE convened a working group of ten information security leaders to consider the optimal model for the higher education chief information security officer (CISO). In addition, nine themes emerged from working group discussions as having a significant impact on information security leaders in higher education. This report provides insight into the evolving CISO position—an understanding of which is critical to ensuring the strategic success of information security leaders in higher education.