Trend Watch 2017: Which IT Trends Is Higher Education Responding To?


EDUCAUSE is in its third year of identifying the influence of major trends on the IT strategy of colleges and universities. This year’s list included 36 trends in the management and delivery of IT services, personal devices and personalized environments, data and analytics, teaching and learning, security and risk, and the Internet of Things. These trends have been highly visible, widely discussed, and broadly covered in publications, blogs, and presentations. But what is actually in place at our institutions, and which types of institutions are most affected by—or leveraging—IT trends that occupy so much mindshare? This report presents data on their actual influence on IT strategy in higher education.


Other papers and related resources are available at the research hub for Higher Education’s Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2017.


Citation for this Work: Alexander, Bryan, Susan Grajek, and Joanna Lyn Grama. Trend Watch 2017: Which IT Trends Is Higher Education Responding To?. Research report. Louisville, CO: ECAR, August 24, 2017.

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