Driving Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Driving Digital Transformation in Higher Education

The EDUCAUSE Digital Transformation (Dx) research project is our first attempt to gather data on how the Dx phenomenon is playing out in higher education. The goal of this project is to enrich the collective understanding of Dx in higher education and explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on the Dx journey. The first report is a broad view of Dx. The second report looks at the culture, workforce, and technology shifts that signal change is taking place.

Driving Digital Transformation in Higher Education: HTML | PDF | Infographic

Dx Signals: Culture, Workforce, and Technology Shifts: HTML 

COVID-19 and the Acceleration of Dx

"Institutions that hadn't been considering Dx to any significant measure are now faced with shifting in that direction out of necessity. As we look toward a very uncertain future, we are already seeing evidence that institutions are prioritizing efforts that bring the greatest value and most tangible results, in a deep and coordinated fashion. They are, in effect, embracing digital transformation, intentionally or not, as a matter of survival."

—Karen Wetzel, Director, Community and Working Groups, EDUCAUSE

Key Findings

In August 2019, EDUCAUSE disseminated a survey to higher education IT leaders to explore their current experiences, attitudes, and practices related to Dx at their institution. Specifically, the survey presented respondents with a comprehensive set of questions focused on EDUCAUSE's three primary Dx indicators: culture shifts, workforce shifts, and technology shifts. These reports and infographic summarize the findings from our analyses of the responses we received from the 181 IT leaders who completed the survey. Our hope is that this report will not only shed light on the current status of Dx across the higher education landscape but also point readers to the horizons of that landscape and enable them to identify their next steps forward on the Dx journey at their institution.

Defining Dx

Digital transformation is "a series of deep and coordinated culture, workforce, and technology shifts that enable new educational and operating models and transform an institution's operations, strategic directions, and value proposition." Read more about the definition of Dx >

Diagram breaking down the 5 steps to Digital Transformation in three stages as follows:
Digitization: Changing from analog or physical to digital form. Includes Step 1 Digitize information and Step 2 Organize information.
Digitalization: Using digital technologies and information to transform individual institutional operations. Includes Step 3 Automate processes and Step 4 Streamline processes.
Digital transformation: A series of deep and coordinated culture, workforce, and technology shifts that enable new educational and operating models and transform an institution's operations, strategic directions, and value proposition. Includes Step 5 Transform the institution.

Institutional Engagement in Dx

Only 1 in 10 say their institution is currently engaged in digital transformation, but most are exploring Dx or preparing a Dx strategy. Read more about institutional engagement in Dx > 

Bar chart showing respondents’ answers to Would you say your institution is engaging in digital transformation today?
No = 17%
Not yet, but we are exploring it = 38%
We are in the process of developing a digital transformation strategy = 32%
Yes = 13%

Institutional Levels of Dx

Currently, on average, institutional Dx remains considerably underdeveloped. Respondents are optimistic that progress will be made in the next five years, but those who have yet to start planning for Dx are already behind. Read more about the present and future levels of Dx at institutions >

Bar chart comparing Current DX level to DX level in 5 years.
Y-axis shows percentage of respondents. X-axis shows level of Dx rated from 1 to 10 with one being First-stage and 10 being complete.
Data provided is approximate.
Current DX level: 1 = 2% of respondents; 2 = 22%; 3 = 34%; 4 = 14%; 5 = 11%; 6 = 8%; 7 = 7%; 8 = 1%; 9 = 1%; 10 = 0%
DX level in 5 years: 1 = 2% of respondents; 2 = 6%; 3 = 9%; 4 = 12%; 5 = 16%; 6 = 12%; 7 = 19%; 8 = 16%; 9 = 6%; 10 = 2%

Dx Signals: Culture Shifts

Campus leadership is struggling to rapidly respond to changing circumstances and new opportunities and to enable a seamless student experience . Read more about the culture shifts that signal Dx >

Bar graph showing the percentage of respondents who 'Strongly disagree or disagree' (Disagree) and 'Agree or strongly agree' (Agree) for each statement.
My campus leadership is able to rapidly make decisions and adjust strategy in response to changing circumstances and new opportunities: Disagree 35%, Agree 36%.
My campus leadership enables a seamless student experience with the institution: Disagree 33%, Agree 36%.

Dx Signals: Workforce Shifts

Institutions are creating new leadership positions in the areas of student success and data and analytics. Read more about workforce shifts that signal Dx >

Bar graph showing the percentage of respondents who 'Strongly disagree or disagree' (Disagree) and 'Agree or strongly agree' (Agree) for each statement.
My institution has created new leadership roles for student success: Disagree 17%, Agree 64%.
My institution has created new leadership roles for data and analytics: Disagree 36%, Agree 49%.
My institution has created new leadership roles for enterprise architecture: Disagree 47%, Agree 40%.
My institution has created new leadership roles for innovation and transformation: Disagree 40%, Agree 39%.

Dx Signals: Technology Shifts

Institutions are not using emerging technologies such as blockchain and robotics to support their institutional mission. Read more about technology shifts that signal Dx >

Bar graph showing the percentage of respondents who 'Strongly disagree or disagree' (Disagree) and 'Agree or strongly agree' (Agree) for each statement.
My institution is using extended reality (AR, VR, etc.) technologies to support our institutional mission: Disagree 40%, Agree 38%.
My institution is using “the internet of things” (IoT) to support our institutional mission: Disagree 42%, Agree 31%.
My institution is using robotics to support our institutional mission: Disagree 63%, Agree 20%.
My institution is using blockchain to support our institutional mission: Disagree 85%, Agree 5%.

Thumbnail of infographic


View the FAQ of Dx infographic now.


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